By sothisishowidie - 30/09/2013 11:18 - Guam - Yigo

Today, my friends and I spent a little too long enjoying a beautiful cliff overlooking the ocean. We spent the next 3 hours lost in a pitch black jungle with only one pocket-sized flashlight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 751
You deserved it 12 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XDsmileyDX_fml 24

So you knew you were in a fairly remote area and that nightfall would approach sometime, and you didn't plan ahead at all and brought only a flashlight? Sounds reasonable.


This one is obviously fake. Things like that only happen in bad movies.

x3Shannon 3

Okay so, i am the original poster of this and just wanted to clear some things up. I never intended to be there past dark and I didnt bring a flashlight for myself because my boyfriend told me not to worry because he had his. It was actually pretty fun for me and I wasn't worried for our safety because I had signal for my cell phone the whole time. Plus, I live in an area where there arent many dangerous animals. Yes, we have snakes, but they arent poisonous. The only bad part about getting lost to me was that it was very, very tiring to keep climbing up the wrong trails.

Sorry but this is standard as a teen, add beer and bongs and run around giggling aswell and your night should be complete ;)

icepick23 12
aliafeh 8

If that happened to me I would just camp out there till morning and make an adventure of it