By sickened - 25/08/2009 14:17 - Philippines

Today, my friends and I went out drinking, and luckily enough, the guy I have had a crush on for four years now was there. I tried to get drunk so that I can make a move and blame it on the alcohol. I went in to whisper my confession in his ear... only to puke on him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 758
You deserved it 68 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

idiot. you PRETEND to be drunk. then you hook up with him, remember everything, are in control of how much you act like a fool, and can blame it on the alcohol later. puking isn't sexy.

Not brave enough to just go hit on him? You asked for that one.


Why the **** do you need alcohol to talk to a guy? Not only does booze make you SEEM stupider than you actually are, what's the point? If you're actually going to be spending time with him outside of a bar scene, you're going to (hopefully) be sober anyway. Honestly, girls that need alcohol just to talk to a guy aren't worth it AT ALL. Grow a freaking spine, OP you ninny.

Someone with no balls, no brains and no social skills AT ALL, obvs. Also, Snails.

youre an idiot! being drunk is not sexy! get some balls and try to ask a guy out when youre sober (if someone still wants you, you *****)


Why don't you just PRETEND to be drunk?

wellinever 5

Being drunk is NEVER sexy. Maybe social taboos are more rigid in the Philippines, but there must be an easier way for you to let a guy know you are interested. Like looking at him. And smiling. Guys are pretty tuned in to those signals.

nanoflacka 0

So u confessed what u had for lunch?

wish that I could draw this one. OP hey come I just want that you here big boy, to tell you make me want to ffffaaaaaccchh. I bet that he did not ask you to repeat it.

Wraith_Paladin 0

Why didn't you just PRETEND??? That song is so damned stupid, and you're responsible for your actions DESPITE any alcohol impairment. You deserved what you got. Nobody can blame it on alcohol, as alcohol is an inanimate thing. The blame lies in YOUR lack of good judgment. Drinking too much=Vomiting in your crush's ear.