By juice723 - 20/11/2013 11:09 - United States - Marblehead

Today, my friends started calling me "Soberman" because I recently gave up alcohol and have a Doberman. Normally, I wouldn't mind the nickname, but they call me Soberman everywhere. My new boss now thinks it's because I AM an alcoholic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 421
You deserved it 3 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, it's better than being called doperman.

Who cares about the nickname. The real focus is that you took a positive step to change your life, and that's what's important here.


Explain the nickname to your boss, OP; I'm sure he'll understand. I think the most important part of this FML is that you're giving up alcohol, so congratulations! :)

JMichael 25

It's a nickname, and most likely they'll get bored of it and stop soon. No reason to complain here.

perdix 29

Put a bunch of whiskey and liquor bottles on your desk and don't drink from them. Eventually, your boss will figure out you are NOT an alcoholic. That's some great career counseling there, I tell you.

Korra_fml 23

the problem with that is 1) OP may get in trouble for having alcohol at his job whether he drinks from them or not, and 2) co-workers may come visit and sneak a sip or 2 while he's away from his desk, and that would make it appear as tho OP was in fact drinking said alcohol.

#28: I know humor is getting expensive nowadays, but surely you can scrounge up enough to buy one. I know a great place where you can purchase a sense of humor. All it takes is three short laughs, a wink, and a picture of you streaking. They even offer you a lifetime warranty: all the humor you want or your laughs and wink back. They keep the picture though.

Or #3, the boss might stop in for a drink with OP, and change corporate policy to include happy hour. Sip sip hooray.

Only the official Sense of Humor comes with a manual, Noor. Unfortunately, too many people decide to purchase knock-offs (usually titled "Funner Puns and Jokz) and that's where we get "that's a _____ situation" and pussy jokes on cat FMLs.

The jokes in that book are almost as bad as the advice in their follow-up series. Which gives such nuggets as, "dump him/her now" or "i hope you mean ex".

perdix 29

#36, yeah, but you kids today have it easy. Back in my day, we'd be assaulted by barrages of unfunny Soviet Russia "jokes" and reverse FMLs! Getting rid of those scourges kinda makes me part of the Greatest Generation.

RedPillSucks 31

Damn it perdix, the meer mention of SR jokes may resurrect it. The new zombie apocalypse


perdix 29

Good thing your dog is not a Weimarijuana -- you'd get "random" drug tests several times a week!

I don't see your boss' logic here. Dramatic irony perhaps? But surely a name like soberman implies you don't drink... Wouldn't your nickname be alcaboy if you drank?

as previous mention the boss may be using logic similar to when people call a big guy tiny, or a heavy guy 'slim'. Sometimes nicknames are mocking a very obvious trait.

as long as you don't get fired for it ignore it? your boss may think you're an alcoholic but you know you're not

would he not be able to see if you were an alcoholic? or is that only a prejudice?