By Yay..... - 17/08/2010 04:21 - Canada

Today, my friends thought it would be a good idea to make fun of a homeless man. I didn't fancy making fun of the less fortunate, so I stayed a bit back. Still, the homeless man didn't think it would matter to throw a rock at me after my buddies ran away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 659
You deserved it 14 530

Same thing different taste


You can feel better for the fact you gave him an outlet to release his anger and frustration upon. Good on you. Now, I'm very angry and I got a rock. Can you come over and hold reeel still for a minute please. ;-)

FYLyo 0

This FML was posted 9008 times already. I don't think it's real...

if you didn't defend him, YDI. PS. Get new friends.

storytime_fml 0

Op, your friends are not who they say they are or even who you think they are. They could be government agents, foreign spies, aliens. Who knows, I've seen it all. But I'll tell you this, it is most likely one of the governments ploys to control population. Your "friends" are most likely working for the government. By provoking the homeless man and running away they left you in almost immediate peril. But! You escaped alive OP, narrowly dodging the deadly rock. Run while you can my friend. They're out to get you.

By not stopping your friends, you're indirectly supporting their actions. YDI.