By Yay..... - 17/08/2010 04:21 - Canada

Today, my friends thought it would be a good idea to make fun of a homeless man. I didn't fancy making fun of the less fortunate, so I stayed a bit back. Still, the homeless man didn't think it would matter to throw a rock at me after my buddies ran away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 655
You deserved it 14 528

Same thing different taste


Guess you should've stopped them huh? and PS. Hobos are people too. They just messed up and couldn't get it back together.

A lot don't even mess up, it can really happen to anyone. All it takes is a loss of money and boom

You should have stopped your friends. You deserved that rock as much as they did.

Sparkiee93 3

You deserve it for being friends with such assholes when you not only know better but have the brains and courage to not follow the crowd at all times. Homeless people are just as human as you or me, the difference is they have NOTHING, and you have EVERYTHING, and you not standing up for his rights as you would your own makes you just as vile as your friends.

YDI for not joining your friends and at least EARNING the rock thrown at you. YDI for living somewhere that has bums. YDI for having friends. YDI for saying "less fortunate" instead of "bum".

Ju99ernaut94 0

Where did you find time in your day to go watch your friend tease a vagabond YDi for standing there and letting the rock be thrown at you

MrDrMe 0

I respect hobos. they're human just like us. I respect you OP for standing down.

damador 0
ChicaChica5683 0

well y didn't u stop ur friends???? I wiuldve thrown a rock at u to.

polkadot3155 6

ydi for having friends like that!

x3iloveyouuxx 0

lmfaoooo this made me almost fall off the chair.. bitchy got hit with a rock... HAHAHA!