By awesome - 23/03/2011 00:18

Today, my friends thought it would be hilarious to show me Marley and Me the day right after I had to put down my dog. I had my dog for 11 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 489
You deserved it 4 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that sucks. OP im sorry my dog is almost 11 and i cant imagine putting him down. oh yeah what horrible friends.


darklitfaery 0

douches. if it makes you feel any better my friends and I went to watch it the night before I got married. we knew what to expect but didn't change the fact that we were bawling our eyes out. so I had to use ice and a lot of concealer at my wedding

That's awful. I saw that movie in theatres not long after I had to have my dog put down of 16 years. It was so heart breaking.

I have a fourteen year old dog and whenever I think about her dying I tear up. I've never put a dog down but it must be awful. You didn't deserve this at all, poor you. FYL.

that movie made me cry and several people there ball. my dog got put down in dec. both made me cry I can't imagine both at the same time:'(

baby610 4

yur friends are bitches >[ I'm sorry bout yur dog:/

wow... that is so unbelievably horrible. I didn't expect the movie to end the way it did, but if your friends knew then they are an enormous bunch of dicks.

Sorry bout ur lose :( ur friends r douches

kingjames2306 0

even if you are joking or not your a piece of shit you need to fall off the earth

hamsmum 2

That movie made me cry so much and I dont even have a dog. What a horrible thing for 'friends' to do. But OP, had you not heard of the movie?Or even seen the cover? Sorry about your loss :-(