By Henry - 11/11/2011 22:29 - Norway

Today, my girlfriend agreed to doing it doggy style. During it all, I pulled on her hair. I guess I pulled too hard, because when I let go, her face smacked straight into the bedside table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 976
You deserved it 45 796

Same thing different taste


It's not a good night with out battle wounds :)

ibedestinie 0

Sounds Smashing! >.< Yeah Sounded Better In My Head!

This could've been avoided if she would've just stayed in the kitchen......js

perdix 29

I'm sure it was. Bloody noses, fat lips and chipped teeth give me a raging boner. How about you?

ajourdhui 0

Doggy style feels so good. I'm sure she didn't really care until after haha

maryam8869 7

i think she didnt feel the hit ..