By Henry - 11/11/2011 22:29 - Norway

Today, my girlfriend agreed to doing it doggy style. During it all, I pulled on her hair. I guess I pulled too hard, because when I let go, her face smacked straight into the bedside table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 976
You deserved it 45 796

Same thing different taste


Hey doggy style feels pretty damn good.... And work on your coordination, she can't control your "enthusiasm"...

Donniehw 5

Omg you watch soul eater too???!!!???

Lol!!! I can't stop laughing just picturing this!!

WaylonD 4

Take it bitch!!!! *SMACK* TAKE IT BITCH!!!! Js.

I thought guys knew to just grab other things during doggy style...?

We aren't telepathic. Although I've never been in a situation like OP's, I doubt I'd instinctively know what to grab. That said, hair seems pretty low on the list.

I tend to grab the hips. I've certainly never grabbed hair...:O

I'm just saying it doesn't seem like the place you'd want to grab to begin with, even if you're inexperienced. I'd think that guys tend to want to grab hips, just like 83 said.

My bf grabs hair, hips and whatever else he can get his hands on... It's fun :)

Indeed, there is more to grab than the hips. I also like to run my fingers along her spine and grab her breasts as well... It is certainly fun. :] |the kid|

123, we DO, I'm just using hips as an obvious example.

rsm2014 1

Is is just me or do this FML just keep getting shittier and shittier nobody gives a **** unless it's funny.

kaykay20 0

She pulled away resulting in her smacking her head. Clearly wanted to get her hair out of your grip. Next time mention trying it before actually doing it.


well considering you just hurt her head, I don't think you'll be getting her to suck yours...