By topfisherman - 05/02/2010 20:17 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I decided to have fun at school. So, we went into the locker room. We were making out for a couple minutes when the door opened. It was the principal, who also happens to be her dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 765
You deserved it 42 246

Same thing different taste


MermaidSongXOXO 6

Well, it's not like the dad/principal didn't know already (unless you were both hiding your relationship from him). I highly doubt you'll get expelled or suspended just for kissing. Principals aren't allowed to do that (most schools only give a detention for kissing) despite how personally it affects them.

#13 yes that makes since if it was some ordinary random principal. since it happened to be her DAD, shit can happen, trust me.

in my school u would most likely to b expelled

hope20 0

sounds like you should go to a diffrent school

Detention for kissing?! In my school, kids kiss all the time, and nothing happens.

EllyH 0

ooooh you're in trouble now!!! :)

p00nhandler 0

**** all the negitive comments, give the man props for puting it to the principals daughter! it's kinda like a big finger to the man too! **** yeah dude....

toeknee33 0

I agree @ 19 ! true I mean your with the principals daughter and if she is hot that's a plus!

Erindub 0

Niiice one. It must've been awkward

rygm55 0

stab her dad in the eye with your raging boner!

crailboyne 0

for #24... one of the funniest things I've heard in a while

If the comment is for #24 why didn't you post it on that comment...? O.o

nonameLiz 0

And this is why you never date anyone with a principle as a dad

Principal not principle. Just saying haha