By Anonymous - 08/04/2009 04:03 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend and I were outside tanning in the sun. I asked her if she could put some sunscreen on my back. Thinking it would be funny, she used the lotion to write "I Love Little Boys". I work as a children's swimming instructor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 653
You deserved it 6 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your girlfriend must be made of pure win, that's hilarious. Just wear a shirt..

if its on your back, clearly you couldnt write it on yourself.


Ever noticed how the words "thought it'd be funny" always come up just before something amazingly retarded happens?

how did you not feel her writing 4 words on your back

could of been worse, she could of drew q penis below that

splarf1991 0

hey dip shit you should have known something was up when you only felt her fingers on select parts of your back! u deserved it

IvyLee_fml 1

Bandaids. They cover it up and you can pretend you were protecting you gf from a rabid cat.

wear a rashy that surfers wear I'm sure that's what you would wear anyway

DeadxManxWalking 27

So you work well with children? Great!