By Anonymous - 08/04/2009 04:03 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend and I were outside tanning in the sun. I asked her if she could put some sunscreen on my back. Thinking it would be funny, she used the lotion to write "I Love Little Boys". I work as a children's swimming instructor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 653
You deserved it 6 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your girlfriend must be made of pure win, that's hilarious. Just wear a shirt..

if its on your back, clearly you couldnt write it on yourself.


A lot of people seem to be wondering how the OP could have failed to notice that his girlfriend was writing on his back. It's possible that rather than making the words out of sunscreen, she put the sunscreen on everything BUT the letters--meaning that the letters would be the sunburned part, not the pale part. That's what I assumed when I read it.

dont u know u shouldnt trust anyone u r completely stupid

I agree with the people who said that you should have been smart enough to feel that she wasn't speading it all over your back.

That's horrible, she has a twisted sense of humor.

bonafidehustler 0

It's you, not your girlfriend, who is the idiot. How do you not feel the difference between her writing something and her rubbing it in? I mean, for her to write it she'd be using one finger and clearly be spelling it out. That feels a lot different than rubbing lotion in.

I want your girlfriend. She has WIN written all over her.