By heartbroken - 22/01/2010 01:18 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me, all because whenever I laugh I say "lol." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 245
You deserved it 114 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is a completely rational reason to break up with someone. I would probably have stabbed you in the neck by then.

kachaa 0

Well of course! Girls only go for the guys that say "roflmao"... sheesh get with the program...


some_girl9 8

I can't even believe that you would come on here and expect to get some kind of sympathy. YDI several times over. Especially if she had asked you to stop on numerous occasions, which I'm guessing is the case. Why do I have a feeling that you are 300 lbs., covered in acne, and a master of World of Warcraft? Maybe you were meant to only have online girlfriends, numbnuts.

The jokes your girlfriend made probably weren't funny enough to actually laugh, but to prevent awkwardness you just said "lol". You still deserve it though.

Shadow_Phantom 26

My friend does that and I don't mind. Geeze, your GF is overreacting. FYL.

I know a bunch of people who say "lawl," "roffle," etc. It doesn't bug me too much, although I think I'd punch them if they verbally spelled it. But then again, I'm kind of a geek myself, just not enough to talk like that, so I have a similar enough sense of humor to them that it doesn't bother me. However, I think someone with a different sense of humor would get fed up in about 30 seconds, and I can understand that too. His girlfriend is only overreacting if she's never said anything about it before.

Is your name Dave by any chance? 'Cause my sisters boyfriend definitely does this.

You say "lol" when you laugh. Ydi 100%

Well duh, what do you think she was gonna do dumbass. She wouldn't of left you if you said ''Roflmao'' instead... you are so stupid, wow!

XxRandomnessxX 0

Well it's fine if you say "lol" in text but in person it's just sooo annoying!

Yeah, this just shows that the OP is an annoying computer geek and doesn't even deserve a girlfriend. The only time its EVER okay for someone to say something like that is for a girl to say "OMG" and even that can get annoying after a while. I do believe the gf overreacted a little bit (ever heard of "talking it out"???), but if you're too stupid to realize you are an obnoxious creep, then you shouldn't have a gf.

Our etymology is changing, thanks to technology connecting us to more and more people in more and more locations. The interesting part is that colloquialisms are no longer "localized" . Technically, gamer/nerd speak would fall under the colloquialism category...but there are people in other countries that have adapted the terminology into their everyday speech habits. Bless MMOs for networking nerds globally. Language is a fluid entity, and it changes and fluxes over time. This fact makes me lol a little bit...I think it roxors.