By christian9294 - 08/02/2010 20:21 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me, saying I was immature for making gay jokes all the time. A few hours later, I got six texts and three calls from guys I didn't know. It turns out, she put my name and number on Craigslist as a gay man seeking a relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 939
You deserved it 55 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

acesarge 0

The only people who still make fun of gays are the ones trying to cover up there own homosexuality.


I wanna meet this girl :O She sounds amazin, howd she end up with a douche like u???

kikiholt 0

'****** lover'? wow. Tell me, are you a top or a bottom? I'm thinking bottom because of how much of a bitch you are.

goldfishdragon91 0

when I type ydi it autocorrects as UFO :) but really you deserve it

tritone_fml 0

wishin you hadn't made all those gay jokes now huh

cam007_fml 0

Gay jokes are the bomb. No offense to anyone.

when a chick dumps you, it's hard to take at 1st, but you are way better off

So did you hook up ? Save them numbers for future booty calls . Make sure to return the favor put your Ex up on the lesbian or maybe hardcore S&M Fantasy Rape groups.

kikiholt 0

Seriously, dude, if you are going to make racial jokes of any kind only do it in moderation or don't do it at all at the risk of looking like a total asshole. Also, if you don't have the courage to say those jokes infront of the that race/ sexual preference than that just makes you seem like you're meaning what you are saying.