By christian9294 - 08/02/2010 20:21 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me, saying I was immature for making gay jokes all the time. A few hours later, I got six texts and three calls from guys I didn't know. It turns out, she put my name and number on Craigslist as a gay man seeking a relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 939
You deserved it 55 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

acesarge 0

The only people who still make fun of gays are the ones trying to cover up there own homosexuality.


shadowkiss13 0

Im staight all the way but i do have gay friends who laugh at gay jokes as long as they dont go to far. OP you obviously deserved it, any joke gets old after a while.

PsychoMerk 0

ever heard of a strap on? dikes totally go anal. >_>

Put her as a lesbian on craigslist looking for a relationship

ArcheryArtist 20

Wow. I've never hit the "you deserved it" button so hard. What an asshole. I hate homophobes, being a lesbian myself. Imagine how stupid you are going to look in 50 years, just like all those people decades ago who were super racist.

Yep i agree with your girlfriend she did the right thing. Thanks for being a homophobe, jerk. You've made a real contribution to our society.

You guys are idiots, sense when did "gay jokes" translate to "homophobia?"