By christian9294 - 08/02/2010 20:21 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me, saying I was immature for making gay jokes all the time. A few hours later, I got six texts and three calls from guys I didn't know. It turns out, she put my name and number on Craigslist as a gay man seeking a relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 939
You deserved it 55 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

acesarge 0

The only people who still make fun of gays are the ones trying to cover up there own homosexuality.


you TOTALLY deserved that for making gay jokes. good for her.

I think what most of you are forgetting is the severity of the issue. He potentially told a few bad jokes. She commited a CRIME.

g124124 0

gay jokes are funny but not funny all the time so ydi

139 it really doesn't matter what's a crime and what's not in this case. the point is he deserved it

We don't know if he's homophobic!!! Jokes arn't always - you know what? I give up. The very fact that there are more than 4 times more YDI that FYL means that I refuse to be a part of the human race anymore.

YDI for not controlling your bitch and leaving a computer with internet access in the kitchen

I have been called gay for 8 years now, and ppl have used all the gay jokes on me, personally I hate it. gay jokes are stupid and anyone who uses them must be really insecure about their own sexuality. maybe it's time you looked outside your closet, ppl are missing you!

This is my favourite gay joke and it is not derogatory at all, I have posted it already but I will do so again. "What do you call a lesbian with fat fingers? Well endowed" See? Not all gay jokes are bad at all. Same with all jokes to do with ethnicities or sexual preference or gender or ANYTHING.

I don't get why everyone is saying YDI. It's not that he is intolerant of gays, he was just joking. If you say YDI then you have no right to laugh at any gay (or other discriminating) jokes (which we have all done).

man report that hos ass to da cops and let them deal with the insignificant candy ass fuckerr