By nadette - 25/05/2009 16:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. She told me that her father didn't approve of me and forced her out of the relationship. Her father died 2 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 681
You deserved it 3 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he came up as a ghost and said something to her? :S

That's horrible! At least you found out now that she's not meant for you!


maybe he's actually not dead or she feels like if he was alive he wouldn't approve i just don't understand why someone would be such a bad liar that they would say their dad did something if he's dead. like why wouldn't she just blame it on her mom? haha well i'm sorry anyways.

It sucks, but it might actually be the sign of some kind of psychological breakdown on her part. It's entirely possible she's having emotional issues dealing with her father's death/absence, and they've manifested in some kind of delusion that he's actually still communicating with her.

Lolz @26 ya-that does remind mi of least it's not the same situation tho. OP: that sux-but at least now u no she wuz a bitch and not worth it.

Run away from this one if she's serious. Her desire to please her father, and her ability to use him to ease her feelings over every decision she makes, will dominate your lives if you get back together. Likewise, run away if she made it up. There's no way to tell what lies she'll use in the future in order to get her way.

AntiChrist7 0

or she is a wacko or a lousy liar. Hope you had your fun while it lasted.

Hydra_fml 0

Ooo, cockblocked from beyond the grave. That's gotta sting.

that is very sad... she needs to grow up and tell the truth

Kassad_fml 0
notFUNNYtoMEass 0

#14... you're retarded i'm sorry dude. at least you wont have to deal with her making up bullshit reasons anymore. plus if she's dumb enough to think you'd buy that then you need to find yourself a girl that will a) know you're smarter than that (i mean come on... you need some credit) and b) value you enough to talk to you about your problems rather than make an absurd excuse to run away good luck mate. aim for better