By nadette - 25/05/2009 16:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. She told me that her father didn't approve of me and forced her out of the relationship. Her father died 2 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 681
You deserved it 3 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he came up as a ghost and said something to her? :S

That's horrible! At least you found out now that she's not meant for you!


paperplanes92 0

haaahahahaahahaaaaa thts funny

Wow that has got to be one of the nastiest ways to break up with someone. Why would she even say that, is disrespectful to her dead father too.

hehe... it's not you, it's my father's ghost...

Sevenfold 0

That's horrible. Using her dead dad as an excuse. Find someone better (:

You must be a hardcore loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

trapiadora 0

Thats a dirty lie . Thats low for her to bring her dead father in it . Atleast you found out the truth. Atleast you got rid of her dumb ass now .

anon19726 0
Mata_Hari 0

I had a good comeback...but I forgot it...damn... FYL.