By Ismellbacon - 29/02/2012 06:29 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend called me a lazy pig. To prove her wrong, I decided to go lift some weights. A few reps in, my arm cracked and my first reaction was to squeal like a pig. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 444
You deserved it 29 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

siickman 7

Wtf... Who squels like a pig when their arm cracks....

See, she was right. You really are a pig.


Pyro_Wolf 17

So, working out is somehow "doing something". I figured she meant something constructive that has some remote chance of improving your quality of life.

That's awful and kinda ironic. I hope your arm is okay though. That sounds painful.

Wow. YDI for letting your gf bully you to work out.

If she's talking about laziness in general, prove you're not lazy by cooking cleaning, or getting a job/more hours. I don't think she cares all that much about much you can lift.

Nederlander95 14

Hit fyl on accident... You completely deserve it