By Ismellbacon - 29/02/2012 06:29 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend called me a lazy pig. To prove her wrong, I decided to go lift some weights. A few reps in, my arm cracked and my first reaction was to squeal like a pig. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 444
You deserved it 29 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

siickman 7

Wtf... Who squels like a pig when their arm cracks....

See, she was right. You really are a pig.


So why lift weights? You could have done the dishes or made the bed to prove her wrong.. can't live with them... And you can't live without them

She called you lazy and your response was to lift weights? How about help around the house or go grocery shopping? Getting off the couch and trying to lift weights would not impress any woman.

It's bascially the kind of logic that my Dad uses. It does work (internally), but there's about eight or nine factors that haven't been considered when forming the conclusion.

That's the weirdest way to prove you're not lazy. That's like, "you're fat!"... "I'll show you otherwise! Watch me write this well constructed essay!"

I would like to point out that 52 is correct. There are many skinny people out there that get called lazy on the sole basis that they do not go to the gym. This being said however, skinny people can also be fit with out going to the gym Hope that makes better sense to you 56

If you squeal when you crack a bone, then id hate to hear what animal noise you during sex

This made my morning, thanks OP! No suicidal lunatic today!

I forgot the word "make" in my #62 comment