By oink401 - 05/11/2011 15:40 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend came to my house crying because the guy who she has been cheating on me with doesn't want to be with her anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 975
You deserved it 4 375

Same thing different taste


kick her ass out and tell her to cry some where else

Fatal_rei 3

tell her your other girlfriend gives great advice if she wants to talk to her

rebeccac3 5

So u broke up with her too then?? Guess we will be seeing her FML SOON

Hope she does! She'll be up to her neck in "You totally deserve it." I really don't get the gall of this young lady. "Oh I'm so sorry the guy I've been cheating on you with doesn't love me anymore! Please comfort me because I'm totally the victim here and not you...." Some people really do think they are the centre of the universe.

My reply would have been yeah he and i have a lot in common we both dumped you today

Something like this happened to me today