By axel519 - 31/12/2011 02:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend decided to raid my games collection and try her hand at Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Two hours later, despite my best attempts to make her stop shrieking like a dying crackhead every two minutes, two cops showed up at the door with our neighbors in tow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 050
You deserved it 3 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments


"The Dark Descent?" Who calls it that? Amnesia is much more common.

Kylias 6

Because there's nothing else more commonly known as Amnesia than Amnesia: The Dark Descent, clearly...

I heard that when you see the ghosts... you will shit spaceships

xxDefiantxx 0

63-That doll in your profile pic scares the tears out my eyes.

zakkyzebra 11

This is not over just yet. *pulls out mayo and ballgag*

DrOfTheInternet 6

I just down thumb theisland because he has never said anything remotely funny...

xiBuzzifyx 0