By Anonymous - 10/12/2012 18:09 - United States - Victorville

Today, my girlfriend felt bad about a rude comment she made to me, and asked me to insult her in return. I told her she was getting fat. Wrong move; now she's not speaking to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 145
You deserved it 44 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments


There is only one thing we really know about girls. You don't EVER tell them they're fat. EVER.

I don't think OP deserves it. Where the hell did the girlfriend see that going? When you flat out ASK to be insulted, I think you should expect it.

How the hell would anyone really think that insult for insult makes things up and everyone becomes friends again?

Its a guy thing normally... We insult eachother, hopefully it prevents a fist fight but either way the problem ussually solves its self.

Never hack on a girls weight. You should have told her she sucks at sucking dick. That way you both win. She got her insult, and you will get better blow jobs.

You fell for the oldest trick in the world! I would have come up with an insult that was more about me than her. Like for example " you don't let me get drunk". See that implies weakness on my part (I like to get drunk) and strength on her part (she is a good influence on me and I can't live without her). Or some such bullshit. But NEVER use the fat card!

TopBanana20 11

"I can't think of an insult baby, you are too perfect." would have been soo much better. She would have felt like crap for insulting you earlier and you would have gotten major brownie points.

Shallow manipulation isn't any healthier than trivial insults that may or may not have been sincere.

ChubiAlina 6

Dude that's the wrong thing to tell a girl. Everyone knows how women are about their weight. You were just being a douche.

She ******* asked for it. If she's unprepared for an insult, she shouldn't ******* ask for an insult.

carminecris89 13

Sounds like a bizarre relationship. I don't know why it wouldn't occur to her to just apologize or for you to take the higher ground and not follow through with such a messed up request.

Nomadic1 20

Enjoy the silence. She must be young to think that is actually