By Shame - 19/09/2012 20:22 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my girlfriend had a bitch fit at me because I laughed at her idea of getting the Cullen family tree tattooed on her back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 120
You deserved it 3 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gabbiechaoss 5

If she does, you can forget about doing it doggystyle. Instant mood killer.


perdix 29

That would be silly, but for some reason, I think getting the NCAA Basketball brackets would be a great idea. For you, March Madness would be code for anal.

Thizzkidsgotgame 7

Sounds like it could just as easily be a Picture of Justin Bieber. Consider yourself lucky.

i HATE people who can't see books as what they are- fiction! i'll happily admit i like reading twilight and 50 shades, but i can acknowledge the people in there aren't real and i'll never meet my edward cullen or christian grey, and nor do i want to. i'm much happier in the real world (Y)

You are a well-adjusted individual, which is much more than what we could say for most girls and women who say they love reading those books.

Haha I also read them. I liked them but I didn't think they were that great. The movie version of Twilight was just awful, though.

why thankyou very much laden :) i'm often proud of my ability to differentiate between fiction and reality :)

IneffableLullaby 13

What a stupid idea for a tattoo. Just another moron obsessed with Twilight...

Epic fail yet again Canada!! U can't fix stupid!!!!

boycrazy30007 12

I like twilight but that is absolutely insane. This makes my friends Deathly Hallows Tattoo seem normal though. At least you wouldn't know what that is without being a fan.

You did her a huge favor, a warning of her future.