By Anonymous - 24/05/2009 12:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend's dad asked me if I wanted to drive his 2008 Jaguar XKR. Excitedly, I agreed. He then spent the next hour discussing with me how masturbation is a great alternative to sex, and a great way to remain abstinent. I didn't get to drive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 035
You deserved it 4 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't get to drive, he doesn't get to keep his daughter a virgin... seems simple enough

that has always been my greatest nightmare...


spiffles 0

hahaha lol #9 good luck with your girlfriend's dad in the future, OP

Just do his daughter in the back of the Jaguar on prom night, you get the best of both.

Rok_fml 0

Is "2008 Jaguar XKR" his daughters nickname?

Well, masturbation IS a great alternative to sex with a 7-year old girl...

the way i see it is that (even if he owns one) his jag was a metaphore for his daughter and by driving it he meant have sex, he was just testing you ... or am i the only one to see it this way ? haha anyway FYL

should have told him you have already drove the car.

That was brilliant on his part. YDI for falling for it. Remember though, payback's a bitch. Hump her silly as soon as she's willing.