By Pepe - 16/11/2008 05:54 - France

Today, my girlfriend said to me, "You know, you only have to wash 3 times a week to be clean." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 535
You deserved it 7 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if someone doesnt smell atrocious does it really matter how much they shower? the human body is never truly "clean" so if you feel clean enough and not gross or if you don't smell terrible i really don't think it matters how much you shower. personally, i shower usually once a day but it depends on many factors, mostly weather. if its a hot day and i sweat up a storm i'll prob shower more. if not, maybe only once a day. just saying, let people shower as much as you want the body will accumulate bacteria anyways. just don't smell and it should affect any other person what you do

poison29 0

showering every other day is fine. showering and washing your hair every day depletes your body of its natural oils


Holy crap people, chill the hell out. Not everyone is the same, and has the same body patterns. Guess what, some people are naturally more oily than others, and some people naturally have dry skin. If you don't sweat profusely, and experience dry skin, showering and washing your hair only damages your skin and hair more. It's bad to shower too much, because it screws up your oil production and it screws up the horny layer on your skin. And no, not everyone is naturally a disgusting pig that needs to shower daily. If YOU do, that's your problem. Every other day may be just fine for some people. I intentionally shower every other day, with the days I go to the gym lining up with my showers. If I showered too often, my skin would be completely dried out, and my hair would be too. As it is, the skin on my nose, feet, and sometimes hands, peels off from dryness in the winter. So no people, not everyone needs to shower every day. Everyone has their own body patterns that they have to figure out what's best for them. And PS oily people, if you shower too much, you strip away your natural oils, and then your body goes into overdrive producing more to make up for what you stripped away. So you know, if you have to shower twice a day from the oilyness, maybe ask yourself if you're creating your own gross vicious oil circle.

juybuygo 13

sounds like a reaaaaal keeper. if your a hobo.

89, it's perfectly reasonable. I used to weigh almost 300lbs now I'm under 200 and I get cold a lot faster and can stand heat a lot longer than before ...

You KNOW people are clean freaks when they shower twice a day unless they showered in the morning and got sweaty and showered that night. I mean, just imagine their water bills...

What's with all the comments about people in Europe showering less often? No we don't!

SayPeanuts 29

I'm shocked at the comments on this. It doesn't suprise me that all the people saying "showering less then once a day is disgusting" spell like ******* idiots because most likely, they are.

ulissey_fml 22

Everyone should adapt to the weather conditions and what activities they have been doing. But it sucks that no one seems to realize that water , in most places on this planet, is a rare and precious commodity. It should NOT be wasted.

madgrinchhatter 12

Depends on if you sweat or not. If you sit in an a/c office all day and wear deodorant, yeah. She's kinda right. I still take one every day but If I miss a day I don't freak out. Lighten up. If you hadn't noticed a B.O. smell on her before, it's not that bad.