By Pepe - 16/11/2008 05:54 - France

Today, my girlfriend said to me, "You know, you only have to wash 3 times a week to be clean." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 535
You deserved it 7 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if someone doesnt smell atrocious does it really matter how much they shower? the human body is never truly "clean" so if you feel clean enough and not gross or if you don't smell terrible i really don't think it matters how much you shower. personally, i shower usually once a day but it depends on many factors, mostly weather. if its a hot day and i sweat up a storm i'll prob shower more. if not, maybe only once a day. just saying, let people shower as much as you want the body will accumulate bacteria anyways. just don't smell and it should affect any other person what you do

poison29 0

showering every other day is fine. showering and washing your hair every day depletes your body of its natural oils


Popsiclese 0

I shower everyday just to help me wake up for school

fattypie101 0

people with pictures u r not cool got it

i shower every other day except in the summer, when i shower every day. i live in oregon so it's not very hot, i don't have much fat on me, and i hardly sweat. also i have very dry skin and hair and showering more than i do would make that problem even worse. i don't smell and i always look and feel clean and well put together. healthy hygiene habits can vary from person to person, so saying OMFG U ONLY SHOWR EVERY OTHER DAY FREAKKK is an uninformed judgement. i know plenty of people, especially boys, who would only benefit from taking a shower even twice a day, and i also know people who can shower three times a week and still be clean. don't judge unless you know the persons habits and body type...

ew! that's disgusting! I shower twice a day, and that's not OCD. that's called "being higyenic". ugh. some people are just border line gross.

I think she meant washing your hair because you should definitely shower every day

you know , washing every second day doesn't make someone gross, it just saves them money in their water bill. come back with a real fml please.

69_jackson_69 0

...I wonder what her ****** smells like...

Norther 1

#23 So do I, but it's totaly normal to do it every second day as well :-P

In America, mostly everyone showers everyday. I heard that in Europe not many people use deodorant nor do they shower everyday; it's more like they shower every 2-3 days.

hanzoo 0

#30 most likely you do stink and no ones told you yet.