By nonbelieber - 26/11/2012 00:55 - United States - Keenesburg

Today, my girlfriend started bawling, saying that our relationship wouldn't work. Why? Because if Justin and Selena can't do it, no one can. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 762
You deserved it 3 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know why I know this but didn't they get back together? But then again, if she breaks up with you because of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez then maybe you shouldn't get back together with her....

OMG Justin and Selena got back together? My life is exactly the same as it was 5 minutes ago.


xCupcakes 7

They are back together... Lololol

thetechdude22 0

Justin bieber is a dick and shows no respect for authority, yes I am talking about his extreme dick move with the PM of Canada

You mean when he was given the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal by Stephen Harper while wearing coveralls and his cap on backwards? He's a great singer; but I can't understand why the OP's girlfriend would let his & Selena's relationship influence their own.

I think she's got a point, if she's judging her relationship on them, she's not destined to be in one...

I'm a Justin Bieber fan, and I still don't think like that. I know that that relationship wasn't very good, Selena was too protective, and Justin didn't seem to have enough time to spend with her. Your girlfriend sounds ridiculous , OP.

The_F3rris 11

Is your gf old enough to be dating?

Randomhero1994 1

Is your girlfriend ten because if she is any older than that and still saying that your better off without her