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By toritoratora - 26/11/2012 05:27 - United States - Huntington Beach

Today, I heard a teenage boy ask his friend, "So, is it, like, November in Australia too?" This is the future of America. FML
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To answer the teenagers question: No, we have a special month called Kangaroocember, where we all celebrate Australia by finding kangaroos and riding in their pouches. ...OF COURSE it's November in Australia. Just like the rest of the world. >.<

SApprentice 34

... I can only hope that the boy was trying to refer to the weather difference, and not the actual month, because otherwise this is just another crushing blow to my faith in humanity.


mashimarox 12

I'n literally shaking my head at this. I wonder how the parents are too xD. And i'm puting this as a reply to the first comment because their comment sucked ass.

imavelociraptor 6

My friend thought American was a race. I told her she was jamaican because both of her parents were and she said that she wasn't because she was born in America. This went on for probably almost an hour.

14- It sounds like you're trying to write an FML... A really bad FML.

nirvi 3

14-just to be clear- Jamaican isn't a race either.

BoredReader88 5

Is it, like, still 2012 in Germany?

14, first, if your friend was born in America, they're American. Second these are nationalities not races. A good amount of the Jamaicans descend back from Africa when the Spanish brought them over. Please go back to school.

Born in a county makes you a citizen of that country because of birth certificates. So your friend is American. You are the one that's horribly wrong. Not your friend.

StalkerChick 13

I think he was trying to say, "Is it winter in Australia, too?" Well, that's what I hope he was aiming for.

104, me too. It makes a lot more sense, considering it's not winter in Australia right now...

imavelociraptor 6

I'm sorry. By race I meant nationality. The problem was that she was saying she wasn't jamaican because she was born in America. She isn't African-American because her family is from the Islands. Yeah, I guess they came from Africa but that doesn't make them African. We all ORIGINALLY came from one place but we are all different races. I guess I worded it incorrectly. I promise i'm not a total idiot :)

131- if your friend was born in America and still resides here her nationality is American! Regardless of where her parents are from...

@#101 That's wrong in general. That is maybe how it works in the US but it's not the same for other parts of the world.

I don't get why everyone's so upset about this... More than likely it was a miscommunication or he used the wrong word... And if he really did mean it they way interpreted: he could have a mental or brain disorder... So although it seems obvious to us... 2 him its probably something he has 2 think

To answer the teenagers question: No, we have a special month called Kangaroocember, where we all celebrate Australia by finding kangaroos and riding in their pouches. ...OF COURSE it's November in Australia. Just like the rest of the world. >.<

You know, in Australia we actually care about the rest of the world. Not like America. All you care about is your own country.

tarasdp 6

Oh you know some dumb ass teens would believe that.....hell I know adults that would!

hapy_pig098 13

Woah bro calm down I'm mexican and live on america and no offense but white people are pretty stupid

Can't believe nobody has said this yet. They were talking about how the seasons are flipped for the two hemispheres, and with flipped seasons he might have thought the months flipped as well. There's an intelligent discussion behind it, it's just a silly but forgivable question.

nirvi 3

54-I would agree with you if the question came from 8-11 yr old.. If it came from a person>14, god bless America! And the world!

Alliente 9

31- Just because you have kangaroos doesn't mean you can hate on 'MURICA.

peachesncreem 21

Kangaroocember? Pfft. I ride kangaroos everyday. It's how I get to work. **** driving.

Thats funny 31 because I can remember us saving your asses in World War 2...

RedPillSucks 31

What? No polar beers? (FYI spelling intended)

Actually, the first thing that popped into my mind was that it would be November 30th in California. THEN, it technically wouldn't be November in Australia. But that's not the case here, is it? And 54, one really has to be amazed at how many people aren't aware of the seasons being different. I swear I studied that in the 4th grade when I was living in the USA, so how come they still don't know it? '-'

decidedlyvague 11

It isn't November in Australia. Everyone knows that it's February over in that backwards country. Duh.

**** yeah. It's how I get to work too. Because riding a Kangaroo is absolutely physically possible. They don't stand upright or anything. I was actually asked by a girl in London if we ride the Kangaroos and have Koala's in all our trees. Seriously..... REALLY??

SApprentice 34

... I can only hope that the boy was trying to refer to the weather difference, and not the actual month, because otherwise this is just another crushing blow to my faith in humanity.

After reading some of the entries on this site, I'm not really sure why someone might have any faith in humanity left....

SApprentice 34

13- Because otherwise the bleak blackness of depression eats at you as you sit and contemplate all the pain and cruelty in the world, all the idiotic and foolish behavior. It's easier for me to wake up everyday and attempt to lie to myself than to admit that existence is its own special form of hell.

19-I wish I could thumb you up more than once. I would spam that thumb if I could.

RedPillSucks 31

@19. Don't worry. It'll all be over on December 21. That's June, in Australia.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore...

KiddNYC1O 20

Uranus is accepting admissions.

CantusVulpis 12

Okay that was a little brutal.

Toastbutcher 1
RocketNinjaFish 12

Face roll.. Just try and restore your faith by looking at genius kids do something extraordinary. ^.^

Just because someone knows where Australia is, it doesn't mean they know anything about it.

It's the past as well or have you forgotten about George already?

i want to get off this planet NOW. (probably that teenage boy is going to be polititian one day)

Well the go. We are tired of comments like this. No ones keeping you here.

ur in a site called "fml" what do u expect really? and its a bit more fun trolling you since i cant get off

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Common sense isn't very common.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Not all of us are that dumb... Lots of us actually pay attention in school. :P