By looke27 - 13/11/2010 07:21 - United States

Today, my girlfriend thought she was stronger than me so we arm wrestled. She won. I used both hands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 303
You deserved it 37 610

Same thing different taste

Top comments

arm wrestling doesn't prove anything. a fight to the death proves how strong anybody is

Well is it wrong for a girl to be stronger than a guy? Quit whining about it.


janise 2

Your mistake was using both hands. If you had only used one then you could have attempted to save face, laughed it off and acted like you let her win. Now your gf not only knows she's stronger than you but she's about twice as strong as you (assuming she used one hand. For that reason....YDI

i think some people on this FML are just a tad sexist :P

My bf knows i can whoop on him if i want....and most of his guy friends are scared of me. But thats what he gets for dating a us marine :)

hahaha girls should aviod the fat/looks issue with their boyfriend, and guys should avoid the strength one :)

kinda sucks, I like dating guys who are stronger than me, i dunno it just feels right that way haha I mean it's not like "you can't beat me in an arm wrestle, I'm Stronger than you, its over" if I was stronger I would like hide it, cause I (and the majority of straight girls) don't want to feel butch, haha

bruised ego much? but ydi for having a strong girlfriend

just play it off and act like u were being nice. ;)

olivesd23 0