By Anonymous - 19/12/2011 20:31 - United States

Today, my girlfriend tried to cover my eyes while I was driving on the main street, all because she caught me looking at an ad featuring bikini-clad girls on the bus ahead of our car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 549
You deserved it 6 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's retarded! Even I, a girl like to look at beautiful bodies! Don't let her buy beauty magazines! They have sexy women in there, and tell her no sears catalogs either! Nothing wrong with looking! Touching on the other hand is a no no!

lol i do that to my boyfriend but, he wouldnt be driving... xD

hwns 2

yee, i used to date a crazy bitch like that.. bad times bad times

j3ebrules 13
JustAGuy18 0

I'm a car-guy. I'd break up with her by now.. People who risk other drivers, just plain dumb. Disrespectful. If those people didnt exist.. My insurance won't be so damn high....

MeowsLikaLion 4

crazy bitch she needs to stop being so insecure of herself. so what you were looking at pictures of hot girls? if she had more faith in herself she wouldn't worry about it. she'd rather kill both of you then risk you looking at another woman?? crazy bitch.