By Anonymous - 19/12/2011 20:31 - United States

Today, my girlfriend tried to cover my eyes while I was driving on the main street, all because she caught me looking at an ad featuring bikini-clad girls on the bus ahead of our car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 549
You deserved it 6 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments


What? I'm sorry, what?! She did realize that she could've caused an accident, right? For a picture of a woman?

notsurewhattoput 0

Then don't be look at that with your gf in the car disrespectful. But she didnt seem to think through what see did either lol

What a crazy wife! She could have made you crash the car!

She's a psycho. Does she know that she could have made you crash and kill someone or yourselves?

404wan 19

right, that's a ******* psycho you have there, probably the kind of woman who would lose her shit and call you a cheater if she found out you watch ****.