By littlefinger - 11/03/2014 16:11 - United States - Foley

Today, my girlfriend was telling me how sometimes things seem pretty impressive at first, but can turn out to be colossal disappointments when you try them out. "Like your cock," she bitterly finished. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 670
You deserved it 6 996

Same thing different taste


stupidguy1313 6

i see your username is littlefinger but i would like to point out that this actually sounds like shes fine with the size, you just need to get better at sex

and your still with her after that ???

JMichael 25

Well she obviously just dated you for your dick.

From what she said it actually sounds like his dick or lack of skill with it may just be the reason they break up not the reason they are together

well despite the fact that she is obviously a Shitty person it seems she is also a spiteful child.

No offense OP but she sounds like a bitch.. but maybe that's just the way I see it!

Someone is a tad bitter. Who pissed in her cornflakes? Ouch.

JMichael 25

Not his ****. It couldn't rise to the occasion.

You should have said, "maybe you'd enjoy it more if you pulled the stick out your ass first that way they don't compete."

skittyskatbrat 19

You rock. LOVE that reply.....

Why don't I know people who make these witty comebacks in real life?

51, personally I always find that I come up with witty comebacks, but only hours after I get insulted ... Don't know why, but goddamn, is it annoying.

If she is willing to pay for some enlargement take it Still it's your body and what you can give if she can't take it that's her problem...

maybe it's his skill she is disappointed in, not his size.