By Anonymous - 04/06/2009 20:10 - United States

Today, my girlfriend woke me up in the middle of the night to have sex. Over breakfast, she said it was the most intense, primal and mind-blowing sexual experience she ever had. Problem is, I don't remember a damned thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 685
You deserved it 10 049

Same thing different taste


HorrorByrd 0
fishburger420 0

at least it's not really bad thing...

yungmoolahbaby 0

if you don't get #4... Today, I came home from work late (2:30am). As I snuck carefully into bed and laid down next to my sleeping future wife, my fiancee half awake said "No, no... Dan will be home soon." I am Dan. FML

jadeddream 0

This is a FMl because he can only give good sex in his sleep (or sleep sex as they call it).

greenb0ttlecap 0

LOL LOL LOL @ # 4 and # 23 and.. # 77! hahaha good one

I hope you didn't tell her that. xD

rhiannaa 0

hahaha, this is awsome. It has definitely happened to me before, but I was in your girlfriends situation. Honestly, when my boyfriend told me he didn't remember it, it didn't even bother me. I was too satisfied.

You must suck when you are awake for it to be mind blowing when you're asleep. YDI

nycemt83 0

If she enjoyed it so much what on earth do you have to say FML about?