By Anonymous - 04/06/2009 20:10 - United States

Today, my girlfriend woke me up in the middle of the night to have sex. Over breakfast, she said it was the most intense, primal and mind-blowing sexual experience she ever had. Problem is, I don't remember a damned thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 685
You deserved it 10 049

Same thing different taste


Just ask her to tell you in detail and claim it's just to hear her talk dirty, or for foreplay?

kittycatgirl 0

that jsut made me laugh so hard! LOL!!!!!!! =]

AntiChrist7 0

you got laid, i don't see the problem. YDI for posting it here

Congratulations: your best preformance yet was when you were half asleep! Seriously though, it's normal to forget things from just after waking up.

hollykins91 0

hahah thanks for summarizing that episode of mad about you. and if u like legit didnt know about the episode, she was lying to you haha

This isn't an fml, although you shouldn't have let her know you didn't remember it. Should have used it to your advantage - tell her you were glad she enjoyed it so much and how it was really good for you as well, pointing out it was probably because you felt such a connection to her... Now ask her that favour that you wanted from her - she'll probably do it.

wasn't this an ep of "Mad About You"?

i dont remember if that has happened to me but i sure as hell remember being woken up like that :D

if you're that good in bed unconcious, i'm guessing she'd just love concious sex with you.