By my gran is a cuntwaffle - 26/09/2013 20:36 - United Kingdom

Today, my gran came over for dinner, for which I had to go grab some supplies from the supermarket. I guess I should have locked my laptop, because when I came back, I found my gran had used my Facebook account to propose to my now-ecstatic girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 592
You deserved it 6 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WompWompWomp123 7

I'm not sure if I'm more disappointed in your grandma or your girlfriend for accepting a proposal on Facebook.


I know that pain one time I left my phone on the counter and my friend texted every boy on my phone that I was completely in love with them and one of them got really excited and said that they had loved me for a long time now and when I got my phone back I felt so bad for him.....

YDI...always lock your computer with a password when you're away.

I hope you kept the receipt. It has the time of transaction on it

Anyone who can't be bothered to press Windows-L on a PC or its Mac equivalent is asking for trouble.

caligirllife 11

Your girlfriend was ecstatic that you proposed to her over Facebook? That's sad

icepick23 12

What's wrong? Just go with it. Your girlfriend obviously loves you!

"My grandmother is a loon. She got into my Facebook account and sent that as a joke or because she has a screw loose. I'm so sorry you were hurt by this, but I don't think our relationship is at that point." I doubt this will work, but good luck! In the future, keep your laptop secured, especially around your grandmother.