By Anonymous - 26/09/2013 16:19 - United States - East Hampton
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 06/09/2013 11:55 - United States - Louisville
By Anonymous - 19/03/2012 00:49 - United States - Dansville
By UUUGHHH - 05/02/2016 20:33 - France - Villejuif
By yesikilledit - 20/11/2018 13:30
Happy meal
By ollierocks96 - 17/12/2009 21:43 - United States
By what the fuck????? - 17/02/2022 16:01 - United States - Denver
By feckingnasty - 26/01/2018 19:00
By thenotsomanlyman - 07/03/2011 16:17 - United States
By rb - 01/05/2011 06:02 - United States
By somuchforthat - 19/02/2010 07:38 - Australia
Top comments
... Why would someone even willingly do that? Nasty.
Night time snack
Training for Fear Factor
If there was one thing I learned from Bear Grylls, it's that's insects are a great source of protein while stranded in the wilderness. I guess your father just feels lost in his own home...or he's really trying to scare you out of the house.
Yeah I know! Swallow without chewing?? You gotta give your dad some pointers in proper dining etiquette, OP.
28 Or too much of The Lion King.
#40 Yeah, it's kinda funny how people in the western world will pay through the nose for a a wild caught lobster dinner, which was feeding on sea detritus and fish poop and who knows what, then turn their nose up at grain-fed panfried crickets. arthropods is arthropods, folks (don't eat bugs you just find on the ground, though, that's gross.)
*Cleveland voice* comment....
Protein. Several legged protein.
Alright Bear Grylls, calm down.
This is funny why do people not like this
Actually, even Bear Grylls avoided eating centipedes...
I never knew Bear Grylls had a daughter! :o
Well I'm assuming it's not dangerous. Gross to watch, yes. But people eat creepy crawlies all over the world on a regular basis, so he probably won't get sick. Your dad is brave, but I feel sorry for his wife who has to kiss him later.
Do you know if the venom would do anything? I know muy, muy little about entomology, so sorry for my ignorance.
OP didn't say anything about it being harmful, they just said it was horrifying.
60- It's perfectly safe to ingest venom as long as you don't have any cuts on your innards (if it gets into your bloodstream, you're ******). It's poison you can't ingest.
if I was his wife. he'd be waiting a week before I'd kiss him ... ewww
Yeah and to be honest, how does this affect your life at all? So horrible that you witnessed it, oh nooooo...
was going to ask the same thing...
No, if he was he would have washed it down with his own urine.
Hey, it was already dead. Can't let that go to waste, especially not in this economy.
What a sick bastard.
That's Mr. Doctor Professor Sick Bastard to you.
Is he suffering from a deficiency? Maybe a deficiency of reason?
My whole brain just shut down from the horrific idea - I'm absolutely terrified of centipedes.
Slimy yet satisfying.
I've yet to find a slimy centipede.
I think it was a Lion King reference.
81 - That's what I thought too.

... Why would someone even willingly do that? Nasty.
Protein. Several legged protein.