By anonymous - 23/04/2009 01:46 - United States

Today, my grandma and I were watching the Ranger's playoff game. As Henrik Lundqvist received a standing ovation from the crowd after blocking 38 shots, she says to me, "Check out his equipment!" My 80-year old grandma just commented on Henrik Lundqvist's package. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 262
You deserved it 4 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL for being a rangers fan. good luck trying to get past boston.

or she was talking about his goddamn hockey equipment. you're retarded


toyotasmash 0

uh I'm pretty sure an 80 year old woman wasn't commenting on his "package". she must have been talking about his cool goalie pads and w/e else

that's sooooo funny. ur grandma is the shit haha.

rabbinussbaum 0

Ever think she was actually looking at his equipment? ...perv

Lundqvist is amazingly hot! I don't blame her! Ps Go Kings!!

Could it actually be his goalie equipment, not his junk?

Oh come on it's a girl thing and she took it...if you have seen the movie grumpy old men she's not alone...