By Anonymous - 02/06/2014 18:17 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my grandmother tried to start a fist-fight with my wife during my wedding ceremony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 503
You deserved it 4 571

Same thing different taste

Top comments

guci101 14

Just tell them to arm wrestle and settle it that way. I'll place $20 on Grandma. Any takers?


Well congrats on the marriage, at least!

You've got it wrong, she was trying to teach her some boxing moves to show her how to handle you.

olpally 32

What the hell??? Please tell me you kicked her out of the wedding.

Well at least your bride's dad didn't tell you the ring got heavy real fast.

Hey if your wife beats you up call Granny.

dmcd_39 14

You need a new wife and a new Grandmother sounds like they're pretty messed up

He said his grandmother "tried" to start a fist fight with his wife, implying that the wife would not fight her back, so no need to get rid of the wife.