By Sarah - 17/08/2012 07:45 - Canada - Penhold

Today, my house got broken into. They just made a mess. I saw a note on the kitchen table that read "There's nothing good here. You have shitty stuff." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 145
You deserved it 3 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They should've just moved everything around without taking anything as they did, but instead leave a note saying "you'll never figure out what we took". The years of therapy you would have to go through afterward would teach you to get better things.

soccergurrll 8

FYL, OP when a thief doesn't even want your stuff


Sorry you got broken into OP, but that note is awesome !!!

At least they didn't steal anything!

Dogluvr1197 30

At least nothing was stolen!

Damn op that's how I feel, I have only two cool things my iPad and my tv. And my tv is like 3 years old already. I think the robber would probably leave Me money if they saw all the bills on my table. Sucks you had to clean up that mess but at least they didn't take the little crap you do have!

Well you should get some better things to make people want to steal from you. Sorry to hear that happened.

KiwiiLemon 5

you should be happy they didnt take anything, maybe its not worth anything to them but its worth everything to you

This person clearly knows which their/they're/there to use. By rule of deduction, this narrows down the list to a quarter of any group of suspects you might have in mind - unless this group inexplicably consists entirely of English majors...then you're ******. Elementary, my dear Watson.


I meant to click thumbs up, but accidentally clicked down. Have a cookie and a Sam Adams, on me. Epic comment.

Went to the bar, asked for a cookie and a bottle of S.A. Told the bartender it was on you. It didn't fly. **** you.

I don't think this should be an FML, nothing got stolen! Now go out and celebrate by buying not shitty stuff for your house.

you should of at least gave them a ******* as a parting gift, geez how inconsiderate of you