By PreciousIve - 09/06/2009 15:36 - United States

Today, my husband and I decided to get a little frisky in bed. After we were done we lay spent on our bed then only to hear weird noises coming from our doorway. To our surprise not only had our daughter taken her first steps but has been watching and now making the noises as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 167
You deserved it 26 719

PreciousIve tells us more.

PreciousIve 0

*Clarification* My post is not fake, sex happens... And my baby was not abandoned carelessly she just took a late morning nap at her playroom (which is directly in front of our bedroom) and as most parents know trying to sneak sex after having a baby is like looking for the Lochness Monster. And since she is a light sleeper moving her to her crib is a self sabotage. So when all the sexytime happened our daughter must have woken up upon hearing the noise and being a natural 10 month old baby curiousity must have driven her to get up and see why mommy and daddy are making strange noises and since we didn't close our door so she can be within sight (why we close the door on her?) she went to us and watched most or some of the action. But the whole point of me posting it was so I can share a small part of my life to everyone and laugh at it, and isn't that the whole point of this site?

Top comments

You often leave your door open and leave your baby unattended on the floor when having sex? Failparent


I was going to not say anything as I found it slightly amusing, until the OP (or someone claiming to be the OP) posted more info, You are a truly bad parent, you left a baby asleep on the FLOOR across the hall from your bedroom with both doors wide open because you and your husband were horny! While yes you need to make time for yourselves, and that is difficult after having a kid, you have to always put her first. And if she is such a light sleeper that you couldn't move her because you would have woken her up, then you shouldn't have been having sex or doing anything else that would create enough noise to wake her up and draw attention to yourselves in a potentially embarrassing situation.

VoGuE221 5

YDI you shoulda shut the door.

avalon24 you don't have kids do you? STFU please. The stupid parenting books that you read from can never prepare you for the real thing. They just make you an overprotective douche that keeps their child stuck in a plastic bubble til their 21, then the kid gets out into the world and gets pwnd by a condom cuz he/she thinks its a balloon. When you have kids, or at the very least have taken care of kids, then your opinion will matter.

squeaksx24 0

Oh noooo! At least she's young enough to forget. Lesson learned: don't leave your child unattended to go have sex.

Yes, because I think that parents should make sure that their child is taken care of and comes first, is not going to get hurt. And especially before having SEX, that automatically means that I don't have kids! No I actually do have kids, I take care of them, I am a good parent who isn't selfish enough to leave a sleeping child on the floor and the make a bunch of noise to wake it up so it comes looking for me while having private time with my husband. There is a time for that, but not when your child can be harmed.

It's part of nature. Don't need to over think it.

c3ns0r3dn4m3 0

agreed with number #2 and what the **** #3!?

jeri2011 0

She's most likely going to catch you guys in the act sometime while she's growing up. Better now then later when she's able to post a FML about it.

thuryn 2

PreciousIve: You're fine. MOST of us with kids understand. I'm sure she's in good hands. Another amusing thing to me is how many people don't know the difference between SCARED and SCARRED. Being "scared for life" just makes me laugh. Avalon24: You talk like a book, though. You probably bottle fed your kids and started them on solids at six months, didn't you? Better learn to think outside the box or you're in for a steep learning curve.