By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 15:15 - United States

Today, my husband and I were looking for a new house. The open house we were in had a strange floral scent to entice the buyers. I am three months pregnant and have horrible morning sickness. I threw up all over the living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 250
You deserved it 4 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can understand some other stuff, but how the hell did they deserve this?

Socrates_fml 0


icedrake523 2

If you have horrible morning sickness, you shouldn't be out looking at an open house. Also, ever hear of a bathroom? Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you can be an idiot.

really? here... come to my house and then need to bolt for the bathroom. ooooh. that's right, you'd have no ******* clue where it is! Also... who the **** buys a house without seeing it first?

sunny_fml 0

well if you don't get this house, at least you get a baby? however, i'm pretty sure you're gonna get the house considering you puked in it in front of all the other potential buyers. IT'S YOURS. you marked it!

I'm sorry! That must have been embarassing, but totally understandable. You can't control those types of things. Congratz on the kid though!

All these people that keep saying that morning sickness happens only in the morning are morons. I'm 25 weeks pregnant, and in my first trimester... I was sick ALL DAY LONG. And smells like food cooking, or the garbage, or strong scents like air fresheners and perfume made me puke. Do your research before you comment on something. And, just a quote that I've read in my preggo research "Whoever decided to call it morning sickness must've been a man..."... because it should be all day sickness. Congrats, by the way!

No you didn't deserve it. Hey you're pregnant. Scents like that normally affect women who are pregnant. They also affect people who are naturally sensitive anyway. Personally I think the best scent to attract a buyer is simply "Smells like it's been cleaned" (but a light version not a heavy gross version)

That is embarassing, but congrats on the baby

Floatout2sea 0

That sucks, I hope the other people at the open house were understanding.

That sucks but did you have to clean it up or pay for anything? Feel like this is missing some FML necessities. And I'm still debating YDI or not since I can't exactly blame it on whoever was selling the house for simply laying out some nice scents, and technically you put yourself in the position.

wowfmlife 0

Way to go for the whole dog approach: you 'mark' it, its your territory

ILoveJace01 0

I love how #31 is trying to tell this person when they're supposed to throw up...what the heck. Anyway, that's horrible! But I hope you feel better. And congrats on your baby!!!!!!