By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 15:15 - United States

Today, my husband and I were looking for a new house. The open house we were in had a strange floral scent to entice the buyers. I am three months pregnant and have horrible morning sickness. I threw up all over the living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 250
You deserved it 4 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can understand some other stuff, but how the hell did they deserve this?

Socrates_fml 0


Aw, that sucks! Hope they weren't too upset after you explained. Congrats!

Jakester 0

hey look at it this way: nobody would probably want to get the house now, theres your chance to get it. In my opinion its more like 'upgrade!' rather than fml

pancakelover 0

It's so much fun being a woman isn't it?

Meowff 0

In no way she deserves this. And number 11, **** you. She's not a **** for HAVING CHILDREN WITH HER HUSBAND.

Every good real estate agent knows that you don't overwhelm buyers with scents in the forms of candles or anything.

vt_mruhlin 0

#26, She already knew she was pregnant, right? And pregnant women tend to be prone to sickness? Maybe the Girl Scouts should adopt the motto "be prepared" as well. I'm not one of the YDI folks, just trying to interpret their argument.

alwaysalady 0

When I was three months pregnant I was puking every hour or so. My boss blocked my path and yelled at me for leaving my post so often. I puked on him. Never again was I questioned.

duales 0

Well maybe someones house warming present can be a tub of Oxi clean and febreeze?

I agree and YDI -it sucks, but if your morning sickness is so bad, don't go in the morning.