By Anonymous - 21/09/2009 09:35 - Australia

Today, my husband decided it was time to tell me he had a 3 year old son. We have been married for 5 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 424
You deserved it 3 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon and Nancy sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage Then comes someone else's baby in the carriage! Nancy leaves Jon and takes the tree D-I-V-O-R-C-E


magichateball 0
SlipKnoTHeretic 0

ydi for living in victoria. i hope you get stabbed by some abos lebs and the odd niggers

yourkiddingright_fml 0

Is there a way to close the replies to comments? It is too annoying reading all the stupid comments comments about other's comments.

annamg 0

Ugh, that's horrible. I don't know what the deal is with commenters saying "we don't know the whole story, we can't judge!" Did you not read the original post correctly? Her husband cheated. He had a child with another woman. He kept it a secret for years. How is that okay in any way, shape, or form?

Since everyone is fighting about it, the post implies the OP's husband cheated. Despite not having all of the details about what happened, the OP had no clue whatsoever. Whether or not the husband was unfaithful for no reason, in his mind had reasons, or donated sperm to a friend, however unlikely, the issue is trust. The OP's husband, who is with her to share their lives, hid a big part of his from her. She is going to feel betrayed no matter how this situation started, because he wasn't honest enough, and didn't trust her enough to tell the truth. If something was wrong within the reationship he should have said something. Not least of all, her husband should have told her immediately after it happened, not waited until years later to confess. The OP had her trust, life, and relationship broken with this revelation. The reasons and details of how it came to be are not needed to understand why the OP's life is F*cked.

rentothenay 0

Donated sperm. DONATED. When you donate something, you are giving up rights to it and therefore he would not have the need to say he has a three year old child. If I donate clothes to the Goodwill, I can't go back and say "You know that shirt I donated last Monday? Well, I'm having a party and I kind of need it back." It is a shame on the friends, if that was the situation, to ask a MARRIED man for his sperm without consulting his wife. Especially if they took it straight from the tap. That's like a woman helping a two males have a baby and not telling her husband until she's too swollen he's able figured it out himself. When you are married, it's not just one person anymore, you're a team, so if that's the case the OP still has a right to be upset about not being told. Still highly unlikely since the husband said HE has a three year old child, not he DONATED sperm to his close friends so technically they are raising a child with his DNA. As for Jason, there is no "okay" for cheating. If he was abused in any sort of way then he should have divorced her. If it was a drunken one night stand, he should have never put himself in a position to get so wasted that he sleeps with another woman, and worse of all, not being safe about it. If they had marriage problems, well, it's not a like dating, you can't take a break and have it be fine to see other people. You go to marriage counseling and if that doesn't work, divorce. The only way I could possibly see this being alright to sleep with another woman is if this couple used to be swingers and both used to have sex with other people. However, that is also unlikely and it still doesn't justify him keeping it a secret for three years. However you look at it, the husband was in the wrong. In my opinion, he is scum and yes OP, FYL. Sorry that happened to you and good luck.

Hilarious #100. Haha! That totally sucks though. Men are pigs!!

either hes a douche or ur so bad in bed that after 2 years of marrage he cheated on you.

omg that's horrible are u gonna treat his son like your own or are u guys divorcing now?