By Anonymous - 20/06/2014 23:53 - Canada - Surrey

Today, my husband decided that if he's not hungry, then I'm not allowed to make myself any food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 974
You deserved it 5 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A07 48

Tell him that the next time you're not horny, he's not even allowed to help himself. Might give him better prespective.

Don't make him food when he's actually hungry. Problem solved.


LO1014 16

I would not stick around with such a controlling person. People like that tend to escalate over time. Please be careful OP.

orsombre_fml 11

you need to exit this marriage. he's too controlling, sounds like he may become abusive in the future.

Sounds like you should talk to him about his control issues. If he's unwilling to listen then you may need some marriage counseling. Like the other comments have said though; eat when you want to, and tell him to **** off if he tries to stop you.

And if you aren't horny he doesn't get sex. That should fix his logic pretty fast

He decided? If it was me I'd sit right infront of him eating. But that's me, I don't like arrogant bastards.

say ok, but that road runs both ways, so you will only cook when your both hungry, then eat as little as possible till the Asshole finally apologizes, it's winning the war, by winning the small battles :)

Then if that's the case, if you're not horny, he can't ****.