By Anonymous - 20/06/2014 23:53 - Canada - Surrey

Today, my husband decided that if he's not hungry, then I'm not allowed to make myself any food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 974
You deserved it 5 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A07 48

Tell him that the next time you're not horny, he's not even allowed to help himself. Might give him better prespective.

Don't make him food when he's actually hungry. Problem solved.


novapine 19

So instead of making yourself something to eat; you decided to come online and write about it? Come on...let's have a cup of coffee so we can clear the cobwebs, ok? :-) You're a grown woman, so you make your own decisions. And having a husband tell you when you can and can't eat isn't one of them. Now get off the computer, or your phone and go into the kitchen and get yourself a big glass of milk and a PB&J sandwich!

skyeyez9 24

Make yourself a meal or snack regardless!! Don't let him dictate when you can and can't eat.

Am I alone in thinking the OP has been gerring heavy and this is her husband's last ditch attempt to stop it? If she continues unchecked it wlll certainly lead to divorce.

It had been touched on and quickly dismissed as a reason. It seemed to be a group decision to go with "control issues" instead. Myself? I think that perhaps it could be a little bit of both. OP should proceed with caution if anything does ring true.

"Might lead to divorce"? Seriously? Even if it were severe, increased weight gain to the point where they're worried, that'd be a reason to have a serious talk with their spouse and suggest they see a doctor, not a reason to turn into a controlling asshole. Besides, that's a pretty passive way to say "if you don't stay within a certain range of weight I'd dump you". What, do you think everyone's still going to look like a supermodel after decades of marriage?

Consider though: Is this the only thing like this he's done? That's what it looks like to me, and it seems the crowd mounted the "control" high horse way to fast.

71 - To begin with you went strait to reductio ad absurdium. There's about 50lbs between "supermodel" and "unacceptable." Secondly, detrimental health effects kick in long before "morbidly obese." Lastly, this may just be about preferences, people get divorced over far less every day.

My husband the same way... It's ridiculous

You need to stand up for yourself or leave.

Tawnkat 13

Sounds like the beginning of abuse. I would leave him, bc it might get much worse.

Sirriddler 3

Seriously??! Tell him to go **** himself.

Korra_fml 23

kinda sounds like my dad... if he'd already eaten or if my mom was exhausted or sick, no body in the whole house would get to eat.