By Anonymous - 17/02/2010 18:52 - United States

Today, my husband decided to be helpful and do all the laundry, including pre-treating all the stains. He felt that Clorox Clean-Up with Bleach would be the most effective. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 060
You deserved it 3 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aeslehc_ 0


texas_justice 0 know OP is really thinking, woohoo! new clothes!

Tamara2011 0

Hey now it happens you have an excuse to go shoppping use it this isn't a fml , and hey that's sweet honestly nobody has a guy willing to do laundry unless told to if you told him to then yeah ahahahaha your fault :)

EleventyFan 0

Well... it's the thought that counts. Right? Okay, maybe not this time. Yeah, that pretty much sucks for you.

KingRDZ 0

hey I'm a guy and I know how to wash clothes it's not hard at all

ahaha I'm a chick and I fail at doing laundry. can u do my laundry for me? lol

Least now you dont have to worry about your clothes not matching! [=

WoolyBully 0

Why the **** would you ever let a male do laundry?

And then you never "let" him do laundry again. Bill Cosby: "So, you see: we are dumb... but we are not so dumb."

happysmartg 5

hey at least he tried helping!

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Laundry is a woman's job because men can't be trusted to do it right :/ P.S. Yes, I actually know how to do laundry -_-