By blah56 - 23/06/2012 05:17 - United States - Vine Grove

Today, my husband put some photos of our wedding on Facebook. He named the album "FML". FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 539
You deserved it 3 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm hoping you guys have a sense of humor, or I think it's time for a chat. I know I'd be pretty upset, or comment; "No honey, this is just the beginning."

Maybe he thinks it means 'For My Love', 'Fruits of My Labour' or 'For Married Life'. Or maybe he's just an ass.


Maybe it stood for "Friends Might Laugh".

roshae_16 11

Could me forever my lady.... It IS a great song btw....

acciofrenchhorn 16

I see you're failing to understand that what he meant was "Finally, married life."

HighasaCloud 46