By juliearis - 06/07/2013 19:45 - United States - Westport

Today, my husband received the "antique" samurai sword that he bought on Craigslist with $399.99 of our money. He only shared my outrage at the waste of money when he opened the package, only to find a toy sword along with a note saying, "HAHA, TROLLED." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 813
You deserved it 10 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ZombieInConverse 13

There are those assholes out there that pull that shit. Sorry OP.

Kozmotis 8

Try to sue him for false advertising.


Sorry, OP. That must suck, money doesn't grow on trees.):

TwinkleToes7 15

This does suck OP. First because your husband trusted someone off Craigslist. Second because this person was obviously a huge douchebag. I would suggest suing them though since it is false advertisment. You and your husband would be well within your rights to sue the guy and get your money back. Hopefully your husband learns his lesson after this though too.

KaitlynNeal 13

Don't feel bad OP. I received a check before sending my DS to a buyer and it was anyone related to the name that was making te purchase. I would have spent alot of money to return the money and federal offense.

jayellef 3

Did your husband not look at the item he bought before he paid? I've purchased things off Craigslist many times, but always inspect before you buy. If your husband bought and they sent it to him. He deserves it cause there's a giant red sign that says beware of shipping as they are scams.

Bloodjoker 11

Yea sorry to beat a dead horse, but I know it's Cl so maybe not but if you have an actual return address or accurate name you can sue for fraud in small claims court

If you have their account and proof that they cheated you out of almost 400 bucks, I bet they can get in trouble.

DKjazz 20

That's shoplifting. Er, photoshoplifting.

First off your husband is a gullible tit. Secondary: If there was an email exchange, you should have an IP address that is trackable. Hope the troll was dumb enough to not spoof his IP address, and fail to cover his digital prints. Good Hunting!