By Anonymous - 17/07/2011 00:17 - Israel

Today, my husband told me that he never washes his hands after using the bathroom because he thinks it's only for "paranoid people". FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 437
You deserved it 3 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him that you never wash your mouth after a *******.

tell him everytime he shakes hands with a man he's shaking their penis too.


iTransform 8

His response doesn't even make sense...

If you're just pissing it does. If he doesn't wash after taking a shit...well...he's got problems.

Twan_skillz14 0
ghostland 0

collecting all those public restroom germs and bringing them back to you, sounds like a good time

Love your profile pic, Kitten Mittens lol love Always Sunny

Pssh, there are more germs on an average keyboard than on a public restroom.

But those are germs you're familiar with.

Tell him you won't cook or buy food because thats for people that "need to eat".

tell him everytime he shakes hands with a man he's shaking their penis too.

Tell never used condoms when u slept with other men before him & possibly have an std but its okay since he doesnt wash his hands XD

To paraphrase Churchill, washing hands is for people who piss on their hands.

well if he gets pink eye you'll know why lol