By Anonymous - 23/07/2013 04:48 - United States - West Palm Beach

Today, my husband was chased out of a bar after he was seen slipping something into a woman's drink. I was the woman, the 'something' was aspirin, and that's the last time we ever try to role-play. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 809
You deserved it 30 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Beyond stupid. Honestly with all the women who get drugged and sexually assaulted, if I were a bar tender I'd throw him out. And there is no way I would believe he was "role playing".

Well, they were at least being cautious. What would of happened if this was real and not Role Playing?


doglover100 28

Why we're you pretending to get date raped?

And what did we learn about involving non-consenting people in our sex lives?

I (a bar tender) have never kicked any one out for spiking a drink... I have however called the local cop every time!

Why were you pretending to date rape her?

treewolf 5

Roleplay that shit in private, not in a public place known for date rape drugs. You both deserve it, dumbasses.

That's a really messed up thing to role play.

annikan 1

why would you ever try and role play that? it's not something to fantasize.....

THAT'S your fantasy role play?! Baby slip me some "drugs".. that turns me on so much...smh

What made you two think that was a good idea to begin with?